Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Museum Welcomes New Cannon

On Sunday, November 15, 2015, the Museum held a dedication ceremony for its newly installed 1857 12-pound Napoleon cannon. The 16th SC Color Guard of honor posted the colors. Camp 36 Chaplain Mark Evans gave the invocation. Museum Director Michael Couch welcomed everyone and explained the events surround the acquisition and installation of the cannon.

Dr. Terry Rude was the main speaker and provided the dedication for the cannon. The attendees then sang "Dixie" and the benediction was pronounced by Chaplain Evans. The guests were then treated to a reception provided by ladies of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Order of the Confederate Rose.

The cannon and carriage were constructed by Stafford Wheel and Carriage Company in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. The cannon is a Model 1857 12-pound Napoleon. Its bore is 4.62" and its barrel weight is 1220 pounds. The carriage is a #2 gun carriage with a wheel size of 57" diameter, 250 pounds per wheel. The total weight is 2380 pounds. Its maximum range is 1800 yards. The load is 2.5 pounds of black powder. the types of ammunition for this cannon are solid shot, exploding shell, exploding case shot, grape shot, canister, and double canister.