The museum is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation that is dedicated to an accurate portrayal of the War for Southern Independence. The museum was founded and is owned by Camp 36, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Greenville, SC.
Museum Mission
The mission of the 16th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers, Museum of Confederate History, is to protect, preserve and defend the memory, history and heritage of the two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) gallant Confederate soldiers who gave their lives during the War Between the States. In fact the Museum will honor all those who served the cause of the Confederate States of America. Foremost is the duty to provide a true and accurate historical perspective of the War period in an educational manner and to preserve the cultural heritage and artifacts of the South. Central to this mission of education is the development and maintenance of an extensive research library in conjunction with the Museum. This library will be available without cost to the public for genealogical research as well as research on the War and related issues. The Museum Board of Directors welcomes all who search for the TRUTH.